Subramanian Swamy Bold Repliys to Muslim Clerics' Six Questions

A delegation of Muslim clerics led by the Sunni Ulema Council's General Secretary had in February met RSS functionary Indresh and posed six questions to the Sangh including whether it has prepared a format to turn India into a Hindu 'rashtra'.

The Muslim delegation claimed that Indresh refused to answer their questions and instead said that a conference of Muslim organisations should be called where he would give the answers.

"Our first question was whether RSS considers India a Hindu country. The second one was whether RSS has prepared a format to turn India into a Hindu 'rashtra'. The third one was whether this Hindu 'rashtra' will be according to Hindu religious texts or RSS has chalked out a new philosophy," he said.

Salees said, "The fourth question was what they want on religious conversion. The fifth one was what type of 'rashtra prem' (patriotism) RSS wants from Muslims. The sixth one was how RSS views Islam," he said. He said that these were the six questions which Indreshji "failed" to answer.

"They (RSS) did not have any format. They are shouting about 'Hindu rashtra' only on the basis of propaganda," he alleged.

Salees feared that if Hindu Rashtra was built on Hindu texts, Dalits could once again not be allowed to enter temples.

"We asked whether a new philosophy has been chalked out by RSS. If a new philosophy has been chalked out that means Hindu religion is not religious culture. In that case, anyone can convert," he said.

BJP leader Subramanian Swamy took it to twitter to answer these six questions and here is what he had to say:

Q1: Whether India is a Hindu Country? 

A: India is Hindustan that is a land of Hindus and those others who are of Hindu descent or ancestry.

Q2: Whether there is a format to make India into Hindu Rashtra. 

A2: No.We are bound by the Constitution with a Basic Structure unamendable. But the Directive Principle of the Constitution with other easily amendable Articles e.g., 370 de facto makes it a Hindutva Constitution.

Q3: Will this Constitution be according to Hindu religious texts. 

A3: No. It will be secular because India will be a Hindustan Republic.

Q4: What does Hindutva mean for religious conversion? 

A4:Under the Constitution conversion illegal if induced by bribe or force. If induced then de-conversion I.e., uninduced Gharwapsi is legal and Constitutional no matter how long ago conversion had taken place.

Q5:What is Hindu view of Islam? 

A5: Islam is an established religious theology. Hindus believe that God can be reached through Islam. But Hindus believe that the 800 years of Islamic violence against Hindus  and Hindu institutions have to be acknowledged and addressed. A step is to voluntarily agree to shift the offending masjids in Mathura, Ayodhya, and Varanasi to other acceptable suitable locations.

Q6: What kind of Rashtra prem do  Hindus want from Muslims? 

A6: Same as from Hindus & other Indians. Our public policies should be guided by national interests and not by sectional interests. Hindustani Muslims should accept nation's support for Israel just as Tamils should SL 

These are my personal views to be presented to VIrat Hindustan Sangam meeting for adoption in  in Mumbai on May 2&3


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